Drive to Edmonton was a nice one, so the top was off and i did some minor exploring along the way. First stop was maybe 45 mins east of McBride, i think it was called small creek? I'd like to go back and drive further down that was, heard there was a waterfall up there.
Have a few more shots from around here unfortunately my finger plays a big roll in them. Also some video, perhaps i'll come back another day and insert it.
Mt. Robson and the lake where Thunder falls is, the name of the lake eludes me right now.
A few pics of mountains between Jasper and Hinton along highway 16.
Parked the jeep at my brothers and went to work for 16 days, blah blah blah... Return trip! Only had five days off so i kinda wanted to do the whole trip home in one day but time wasn't an issue and at the start of the day had it in mind that it wouldn't kill me to get a hotel in Jasper or McBride along the way. I had my camping gear too but it was getting chilly at night and I need some warmer gear. Got a good early start and went to Hinton and got subway and just about 5 mins west of town there is a big hill/lookout (sign for Jasper Air) that i had to go up. I did take the back route around as i had my front driveshaft disconnected (have new one installed now). The back route would be nice to have 4x4 for but i made it up somehow. Next time its the front way!
Yes ridiculous amounts of similar pictures, I love em all! The mountains are always nice to drive though, i have so many pics from in there over the last few years, i'll try to keep the numbers down.
I wandered into Jasper park lodge territory, went left at the fork there towards maline (sp?) canyon. I stopped at a lake right away and walked down to the water. Then drove a while up the road to Maline canyon look out and a little ways past that and eventually turned around.
Notice the mud on the tires, it was from the hill outside Hinton, Was causing some vibrations so i stopped in Jasper and washed it off with a crappy wand washer that kept blowing fuses. I stopped at Mt Robson for a quick photo op.
I went for a little offroad adventure at the junction of Tete Jaune Cache. Found a nice little camp area for one or two vehicles and spent some time down by the river there.
So, I then passed through McBride and headed for home with one more stop planned. Had always noticed a road near the Goat river that i wanted to explore. Turns out it was an old rest stop and a road to a gravel pit that was for sale and some creepy looking shack on what looked like nice farm land. This area could have used a little more exploring but the sun was going down and I was a little creeped out. Saw a deer on the way in, she was cautious at first but didn't seem to mind me slowly trolling through. She was still there in the field when i was on my way out, started to run then stopped and continued eating grass.
Quick stop at the Dome Diner and homeward bound. Took what could've been an 8 hour trip and made it 14 if i remember correctly. Was a good day, i like days i can relax and take my time...
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